The Kōrin Kimono Restoration Project

The Kōrin Kimono features a design by Ogata Kōrin.
Now, after 300 years, the garment is in need of restoration.
With your support, we will ensure this valuable cultural property is passed down to future generations.
Thank you for participating in the Kōrin Kimono Restoration Project.

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小山 弓弦葉(東京国立博物館 工芸室長)

当館に のこ された記録によれば、重要文化財「 小袖 こそで 白綾地秋草模様 しろあやじあきくさもよう (通称〈 冬木小袖 ふゆきこそで 〉)」は、伝来を示す巻物とともに明治期に東京国立博物館(当時は東京帝室博物館でした)が購入しました。 列品録 れっぴんろく とよばれる古い収蔵品目録によれば、当初は裏地がついておらず表地のみの状態でした。その後、展示ができるように裏地をつけて着物の形に仕立てたのでしょう。
私が初めて〈冬木小袖〉を展示したとき、写真で見るのとはあまりにも異なる いた み具合に 愕然 がくぜん としました。遠目には美しくしっとりとした秋草模様の 描絵小袖 かきえこそで ……ところが、近くで見ると、白い裏地に 並縫 なみぬ いでザクザクと縫いとめられていて、まるで 野良着 のらぎ のようだったからです。この並縫いは、当館が所蔵して以降、きものの形に仕立てられた際になされたものですが、太くて白い糸で広範囲に施され、せっかくの尾形光琳の筆使いが見えません。そればかりか、300年の時を経てすっかり弱っている絹地に、さらに負担をかけています。現状でも展示することは可能ですが、並縫いの糸が表地には強すぎて、このままですと、絹地がますます弱ることは明らかです。
光琳直筆による描絵小袖で完全な形で のこ されているものはこの1領だけです。〈冬木小袖〉を、今後、100年、200年と後世に伝えていくためには、必要な修理を、今、始めなくてはならないのです。

Object Outline

Important Cultural Property: Robe (Kosode) with Autumn Flowers
By Ogata Kōrin
L. 147.2cm yuki 165.1cm
Edo period, early-18th century (1701–1800)

The Important Cultural Property Robe (Kosode) with Autumn Flowers was designed by Ogata Kōrin, an Edo period artist who gave his name to the renowned Rinpa school.

Kōrin was born in Kyoto. He later went to Edo (as Tokyo was formerly known) and in 1709 he stayed at the house of a lumber merchant named Fuyuki family, located in the Fukagawa district. He drew this pattern for the wife of the merchant, which is why the garment is also known as the Fuyuki Kosode.

Garments with unique patterns or pictures painted directly onto the surface using ink or color were very popular among the wives of wealthy merchants. This trend explains why Kōrin was asked to draw this pattern on the kimono.

The back section features a vivid, well-balanced design of chrysanthemums, bush clovers and pampas grass. The gradations of indigo and black ink are accentuated by red and yellow shading.

The back section features a vivid, well-balanced design of chrysanthemums, bush clovers and pampas grass. The gradations of indigo and black ink are accentuated by red and yellow shading.

The Kōrin Kimono features autumn flowers such as chrysanthemums, bush clovers, bellflowers and pampas grass, all rendered using different shades of indigo. Balloon flowers unfurl across the upper section, while chrysanthemums and bush clovers bloom wildly from the waist downwards.

A glance at the overall design reveals a blank section around the waist where the obi belt was tied. KKōrin’s parents ran Karigane-ya, a kimono merchant that dated back to the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573–1603). This probably explains how he was able to draw the pattern with such a clear image of how the garment would look when worn.

The Restoration of The Kōrin Kimono

East-Asian cultural properties are often made of fragile materials like wood, paper or silk. As such, they are prone to damage from light, heat and changes of temperature. At the Tokyo National Museum, we carefully control the heat, humidity, light, and the amount of harmful chemicals in the air to create optimal conditions for the preservation of these cultural properties, thus ensuring any wear and tear is minimized. However, restoration work is necessary if an object has suffered particular damage through the passing of time.
Periodic restoration work is vital for maintaining our cultural properties in a good condition and ensuring they can be passed down to future generations.

Tokyo National Museum has pursued ongoing remedial conservation work using funds allotted from its budget. However, budgetary constrictions have left many cultural properties waiting for restoration work.
The Kōrin Kimono has also deteriorated over the years to the point where several stains and snapped threads are now visible. There are also traces of plain stitch used during a previous restoration to reinforce damaged fabric. This is now leading to new damage.

The white lining has been sewn up in a ragged manner using plain stitch.

The ground is damaged from the collar to the shoulder area.

The restoration project will take place over a period of two years from 2020. It will begin with the disassembly of the outer fabric, followed by the removal of the previous restoration, reinforcement and repair work, and the application of a new lining. It will then be returned to the Tokyo National Museum.
We are hoping to raise 15 million yen in donations to ensure the Kōrin Kimono can be passed down to future generations. Will you help us reach this goal?




国立文化財機構 文化財活用センター 〈冬木小袖〉修理プロジェクト担当


Information Based on the Specified Commercial Transactions

Operational Organization National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
Operational Director Kashiwada Akio, Secretary-General
Address 13-9 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8712, Japan
Telephone Number +81-(0)3-5834-2856
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The Independent Administrative Institution National Institutes for Cultural Heritage is a designated public-service promotion corporation. As such, individuals and corporates making contributions to National Institutes for Cultural Heritage can receive preferential income and resident tax treatment separate from other general donations. Contributions to The Kōrin Kimono Restoration Project are eligible for this preferential tax treatment.
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  • If total annual income is 8,000,000 yen:
    40% of total annual income = 3,200,000 yen
  • Tax deducted in this case is calculated as follows:
    If total amount of donation is 50,000 yen; (50,000 yen - 2,000 yen = 48,000 yen)
    If total amount of donation is 4,000,000 yen; 3,200,000 - 2,000 yen = 3,198,000 yen


When a corporate makes donations to a public-service promotion corporation, the amount paid can be listed separate from standard donations to receive preferential tax deduction. In addition, the revisions to the tax system in 2012 raised the deductible amount limit to allow for a further preferential treatment.
⇒Deductible tax amount = (Capital fund x 0.375% + 6.25% of Gross Income) x 1/2

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